OPGA Regional Cup Points Updated

“Bring us your finest”

Where do the best players in the Oregon Chapter reside? Are they in the Portland Metro area? How about the Willamette Valley? Do the best crop of players hail from Central Oregon? Or is there an untapped hotbed of golf in Southern Oregon? Through 12 qualifying events, the top six in each region are becoming more defined, but there is still time to make a move.  The next OPGA Regional Cup Qualifier will be next Tuesday September 4th at Eagle Point GC.  We still have room for those of you who would like to sign up and begin earning points towards the top 6 in your region for the FINALE that will take place at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort on October 31.  Sign up on FORETEES!!

Click here for the updated standings through the August 29 event at Florence GL.

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